










Then how about starting to study English?
=Why don’t you start to study English?
=Let’s start to study English.
=Shall we start to study English?
=Would you like to start to study English?
(※start to study ➡ start studying でも良いんやで)




Is that a new bike ?
=Is that bike new ?

This story is interesting.
=This is an interesting story.

Do you go to school on foot ?
=Do you walk to school ?

She is my father’s sister.
=She is my aunt.

You play the piano well.
=You are a good pianist.
=You are good at playing the piano.

She speaks Chinese well.
=She is a good speaker of Chinese.
=She is good at speaking Chinese.
※be good at 動名詞 「~するのが上手です・得意です」⇔be poor at

I help him and he also helps me. (also:~もまた)
=We help each other.

I am a member of the soccer club.
=I am in the soccer club.
=I belong to the soccer club.

We have much rain here in summer.
=It rains much here in summer.

Nancy has no sisters.
=Nancy doesn’t have any sisters.

He has many books.
=He has a lot of books.

Whose are those rackets ?
=Whose rackets are those ?

Ken is one of my friends.
=Ken is a friend of mine.
※「わたしの友人の一人」a friend of mine =one of my friends

Which is your knife ?
=Which knife is yours ?
※「どちらがあなたのナイフですか」「どちらのナイフがあなたのですか」which は主語にもなれる疑問詞。

Is that her camera ?
=Is that camera hers ?
※所有代名詞を暗記「~なもの」mine(私のもの), yours(君のもの), his(彼のもの), hers(彼女のもの), ours(私たちのもの), theirs(彼らのもの)

Tom goes fishing on Saturdays.
=Tom goes fishing every Saturday.

How is the weather in Okinawa ?
What is the weather like in Okinawa ?



近道問題 英語08 文の書きかえ・英作文 (近道問題シリーズ)


We will stay in Okinawa for two weeks.
=We are going to stay in Okinawa for two weeks.

Let’s go for a walk.
=Shall we go for a walk ?
=Why don’t we go for a walk?
=How about going for walk?
Let’s go for a walk, shall we?

Please close the door.
Will you close the door ?
=Please close the door, will you?

He is our English teacher.
=He teaches English to us.

He made her son a large box.
=He made a large box for her son.

He can/could run very fast.
He is/was able to run very fast.

Can/Could you read the English book?
=Are/Were you able to read the English book?

They can’t come to the party.
=They aren’t able to come to the party.

Akiko must finish her homework by tomorrow.
=Akiko has to finish her homework by tomorrow.

I want to visit Rome some day.
=I would like to visit Rome some day.
※want(欲しい) だけなら would like だけでエエんやで

Don’t swim in this river.
=You must not swim in this river.

My father likes to take a walk early in the morning.
=My father likes taking a walk early in the morning.

Japan has a lot of moutains.
There are a lot of moutains in Japan.
=We have a lot of mountains in Japan.

Tom likes dogs very much.
=Tom loves dogs.
=Tom is very fond of dogs.

She likes this book the best of all the books.
=She likes this book better than any other book.
※any other の後の単語は単数やでぇ

She didn’t say anything to me.
=She said nothing to me.

How many people do you have in your family ?
= How many people are there in your family ?

You don’t have to come here.
=You don’t need to come here.
=You need not come here.
※「~する必要はない」don’t have to=don’t need to=need not

Taro likes history. Jiro likes history, too.
Both Taro and Jiro like history.

The children began to swim in the pool.
=The children began swimming in the pool.

Must you go there by yourself ?
Do you have to go there by yourself ?

Please show me your picture.
=Please show your picture to me.
=Will you show me your picture?

Junko is fifteen years old. Satoko is fifteen years old, too.
=Junko is as old as Satoko.

Your watch is not as good as mine.
=My watch is better than yours.

English is easier than French.
French is more difficult than English.

Turn left, and you’ll see the bank on your right.
If you turn left, you’ll see the bank on your right.
※「, and : そうすれば・, or : さもないと」セットで覚えやぁ

My sister can play the piano very well.
=My sister is able to play the piano very well.

Speaking English is difficult for me.
To speak English is difficult for me.

I must (=have to) do a lot of things this evening.
=I have a lot of things to do this evening.


Did Ms. Tanaka teach math ?
Was math taught by Ms. Tanaka ?

They speak English in Australia.
=English is spoken in Australia.

The book is interesting to me.
I am interested in the book.

She became sick two days ago and she is still sick.
=She has been sick for two days.

He went to the post office and came back now.
=He has been to the post office.

He doesn’t have any friends.
=He has no friends.
※not ~any =no ~「まったく(ぜんぜん・一つも)~ない」

We have much rain in June.
It rains a lot in June.

I am a member of the soccer club of our school.
=I belong to the soccer club of our school.
=I am in the soccer club of our school.
※be a member of ~=belong to ~=be in ~「~に所属している」

Ken likes music very much.
=Ken loves music.
=Ken is very fond of music.
※like very much~=love =be fond of ~

We walked to church.
=We went to church on foot.
※walk to ~=go to ~on foot 「~に歩いて行く」

I help him and he also helps me. (also:もまた)
=We help each other.
※each other :お互いに

Please tell me the way to the station.
Will you tell me the way to the station ?
※丁寧な命令文(~してください)=Will you ~?(~してしくれませんか)

He made her son a large box.
=He made a large box for her son.
※二重目的語 make・buy +もの+“for”+人
※give・send・tell・show・lend・teach +もの+“to”+人

My father likes to take a walk early in the morning.
=My father likes taking a walk early in the morning.

I like this book the best of all the books.
=I like this book better than any other book.
※比較級+than+any other +単数名詞:他のどんな~よりも

Shall we look after people in the nursing home ?
How about looking after people in the nursing home ?
=Let’s look after people in the nursing home.
=Why don’t we look after people in the nursing home ?
=Would you like to look after people in the nursing home ?

I want to visit Italy some day.
=I would like to visit Italy some day.
※「~したい(と思う)」want to ~=would like to ~

The book is interesting to me.
=I am interested in the book.
※人+be intereted in+もの(~に興味がある)
 =もの+be intereting to+人(~にとって面白い)

How many people do you have in your family ?
=How many people are there in your family ?

How about going to the movies ?
Why don’t you go to the movies ?

He didn’t say anything to me.
=He said nothing to me.

Tom likes tennis. Ben likes tennis, too.
Both Tom and Ben like tennis.
※both A and B :AもBも両方とも(複数扱い!)

May I come in ?
Can I come in ?

Must you finish the work at once ?
Do you have to finish the work at once ?

Bill had coffee before he went to bed.
=Bill had coffee before going to bed.
※before は接続詞も前置詞もある。「ビルは寝る前にコーヒーを飲んだ」 

He didn’t say good-bye and went out of the room.
=He went out of the room without saying good-bye.
※「彼はさよならも言わずに部屋から出て行った」without +動名詞 (~しないで) 文を丸暗記

If you don’t hurry up, you’ll miss the train.
Hurry up, or you’ll miss the train.
※If 節と命令文,and(or)~.の書き換え。
 命令文,and ~.「・・しなさい、そうすれば~」
 命令文,or ~. 「・・しなさい、さもないと~」

My guitar is not as good as yours.
=Your gutiar is better than mine.

Betty is younger than Alice. Nancy is older than Alice.
=Nancy is the oldest of the three.




後は、動詞の時制や三単現のs の有無に気をつければOKです。

Please tell me the way to the station.
=Will you tell me the way to the station?
How can I get to the station ?

He visited his uncle yesterday.                 [人]
=He called on his uncle yesterday.           [人]
He visited his uncle’s house yesterday.  [場所]
=He called at his uncle’s house yesterday.[場所]
※ visit の後は[人][場所]のいずれも目的語
  call on +(人)、 call at +(場所)を使い分けるんやでぇ。 

What day of the month is it today ?
=What is the date today ?

Let’s leave here.
=Let’s get out of here. 
※「ここから出よう。」(行こうぜ!)の意味から get out of ~ が出て来るといいでぇ。

He went to Canada by airplane.
=He flew to Canada.
fly to ~ で「飛行機で~に行く」の意味

My uncle died three years ago.
=My uncle has been dead for three years.
※ 現在完了の<継続>に書き換え。

We had a good time at the party.
=We enjoyed ourselves at the party.
※ enjoy の後は、4番目の代名詞 oneself を使うんやで。

We can’t live if we don’t have water.
=We can’t live without water.

Why did you get so angry ?
What made you so angry ?

She was happy to hear the news.
=The news made her happy.

When I was going to the station, I saw a friend of mine.
=I saw a friend of mine when I was going to the station.
=I saw a friend of mine on my way to the station.

He went to France when he was fifteen years old.
=He went to France at the age of fifteen.
※at the age of ~:~歳の時に

He threw the ball as far as possible. (far:遠く)
=He threw the ball as far as he could.
※as ~as possible =as ~as one can :できるだけ~

Can you stay home by yourself?
=Can you stay home alone?

Takeru is taller than any other boy in my class.
=Takeru is the tallest boy in my class.
=No other boy in my class is taller than Takeru.
=No other boy in my class is as tall as Takeru.
=Nothing is as tall as Takeru in my class.

I have never seen such a beautiful flower like this.
=This is the most beautiful flower I have ever seen.

It’s impossible for me to run fast.
=I can’t run fast.
=I don’t know how to run fast.

How old is this church ?
=(What ) is the (age ) of this church ?

She is so tired that he can’t work today.
=She is too tired to work today.
※too ~ to の中に否定の意味が含まれるんやでぇ。

He is so tall he can reach to the book on the shelf.
=He is tall enough to reach to the book on the shelf.

This camera belongs to me.
=This camera is mine.

The student belonged to the tennis club.
=The student was a member of the tennis club.

While I was staying in Nara, I visited many temples.
During my stay in Nara, I visited many temples.
※while → 主語が○○しているの間、下段の stay は名詞(滞在)やでぇ。

Don’t be noisy in the library.
=Be quiet in the library.
※ 図書館では騒がしくするな。の意味。

We are free this afternoon.
=We have nothing to do this afternoon.

You don’t have to go to school tomorrow.
=You don’t  need to go to school tomorrow.
=It is not necessary for you to go to school tomorrow.
※have to の書き換えで気をつけないといけないのは、否定文になると、must と have to はイコールにはならないことやでぇ。

must not は「~してはいけない」という<禁止>に対し、don’t have to は「~しなくてもよい」という意味に。
must not  ≠ don’t have to その代わりに
don’t have to = don’t need to でどちらも「~する必要がない」と考えられます。

Let’s play soccer together after school.
=Let’s play soccer together after school is over.

My father decided to buy a new house.
=My father made up his mind to buy a new house.

This book belongs to me
=This book is mine.

My mother told me, ”You should study English.
=My mother told me that I should study English.

Shall I make some coffee?
=Do you want me to make some coffee?

 I just came back from the post office.
 =I have just been to the post office.
 have been to は「~に行ったことがある」という<経験>以外に

They will reach the station at three.
=They will arrive at the station at three.  
=They will get to the station at three.

Will you take care of my birds?
=Will you look after my birds?


英語 難関徹底攻略33選 【難関校突破に必須の実戦学習問題厳選】 (高校入試特訓シリーズAW42)


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